Privacy policy
Privacy policy
Protecting the privacy of visitors to our website is important to us. That is why we never pass on your personal data (e.g. e-mail address).
On the other hand, we strive to make your visit to our site as comfortable as possible and to avoid duplication. For this purpose, we use cookies that are stored on the system on your side.
For our websites we use WordPress as CMS at hosttech GmbH.
We also use analytics software from third party providers such as Google, Facebook etc. to better understand who is visiting our sites and how our information is being used and to better design our relevant offering in the future.
Where you deliberately give us your e-mail address so that we can keep you up to date with the latest news, for example, by sending you a newsletter, you have the option of unsubscribing at any time. We will then remove you from the relevant list.
Name and address for data protection enquiries about Lernatelier21:, Sonnenstrasse 21, 8200 Schaffhausen
Data protection officer: Regina Ackermann